Script to Screen


The Script to Screen program is designed to support your project from start to finish.

Script to Screen has helped many aspiring filmmakers bring their ideas to the screen. Our goal is to bring you all the resources you need at no cost. Students in the past have had opportunities to work with state-of-the-art equipment, work with industry professionals, seen their finished projects on the big screen, been featured in local newspapers and on TV channels, and have been able to participate in many events to showcase and honor their work.

*Script to Screen is only offered to High-School or College students, or persons of similar age not currently attending school.

How does it work?

Our Script to Screen program is tailored specifically to your projects needs and will be based on what OTS can provide at the time.

  1. Submit your application below.
  2. Application reviewed by OTS board for acceptance or rejection.
  3. Meet with the OTS Board to pitch your project.
  4. Work with an OTS executive producer for resource and budgeting estimations.
  5. Consultations for all aspects of pre-production.
  6. Cast and crew support.
  7. Equipment rental/borrowing.
  8. Production support.
  9. Post-production support.
  10. Distribution.

Script to Screen Application

We want to make this as simple as we can for you. View the application requirements below.

Our Script to Screen application comes in 3 parts. Submit your application below.

  • Script and Synopsis
  • Pitch Slideshow/File
  • Application Form

*Sample work is optional but encouraged. Applications without sample work will be reviewed without bias.

For short films and features, send in a one page synopsis (or outline) of the film and the first 10 pages of your script.

Please be sure to include the following in your synopsis or outline:

  • Are you the producer, director, etc?
  • How is your story/project unique?
  • What is your goal for telling this specific story?
  • What is your relationship to the story/project?
  • List name and position of proposed key production personnel (producer, director, cinematographer, editor, etc.) List their relevant experience or credits.
For short films and features, send in a pitch or pitch slideshow with all aspects listed below. 
*NOTE: If this application is to support the production of a college application film with no intentions of distribution, select “College Film” on the application form and only complete the film overview and key topics sections. Please indicate which institutions you plan on applying to.

  • Film overview.
  • Key topics and concepts within the story.
  • Potential distribution options (film festivals, websites, distributors, social media, etc).
  • Social media plan.